Manage your events
Log into the website portal
To access your event, click on the drop down button next to your user ID located in the top menu bar.
You will be able to access My Events, My Tickets, My Contacts, Edit Profile, and My Account.
My Events - Allows you to manage, edit, view or invite attendees to your event. This will also show your active and draft events. From here,
you will be able to manage, edit, view and invite...
o Click Manage to see how many tickets sold, and sales information
o Click Edit to make changes to your events
o Click View to see your events
o Click invite to create and send invitations
My Tickets - Allows you to view and download your tickets and, email the organizer
My Contacts - Allows you to create and communicate to your contacts
Edit Profile - Allows you to give information about the Organizer, Promote your Profiles, and Add Social Networks
My Account - Allows you to add pertinent information to your account including password change, payment account information, earnings, cancel orders and more
Import contacts from .csv file
Before importing your contact list we first have to create a contact list and ensure it is in the correct format.
Formatting CSV File
Open a new Excel Spreadsheet
Starting with row 2, populate (A) column with the email addresses, and (B) column with the usernames
Row 1 is saved for header information. Data located in row 1 will NOT import. Click Save file as CSV
(Comma delimited) *warning, If you receive a message similar to “Some features in your workbook might
be lost if you save it as CSV. Do you want to keep using that format?” Click Yes
Make sure the format of each email address and the names are in the correct format. Names or email
addresses with an incorrect format will not import.
-No extra spaces before or after the name or email address
-The email format should be (org, gov, etc).
-Name should be firstname lastname (no extra characters before, in between or after name)
-First row is used only for header information "Email" "Names" . Do not input contact information in this row
You are now ready to upload the contact list into the portal.
Log into the website portal
Click the drop-down arrow next to your profile (top menu bar)
Click My Contacts
Click Create New Contact List
Enter a name for your contact list you would like to create
Select your entry preference (Upload or Manual)
For "Upload Emails from CSV File"
Click BROWSE and select your CSV file
Click Save
For Manual Process
Circle "Manually enter email address"
Enter email address. If more than one email address, separate each address by commas or line break
Create PROMO CODES (Discount Codes and Access Codes)
After you have created an event, you can create a promo code to offer discounts and access to your invitees
Click your profile from the top menu bar
Go to My Events, click Manage (radial Icon)
Click the Sell drop-down arrow under EVENT DASHBOARD
Click Create Promotional Codes
Click the CREATE MORE CODES button to access the Create a New Promotional Codes page
Click the Code Type box to access and select from Discount or Access
Enter a new promotional code or Upload codes from .csv file (to upload, download the Demo CSV file to use format)
Discount option -
Discount Amount - Enter the dollar amount or percentage offered per ticket
Applies To - Select ticket applying the promo code
Uses: Select Unlimited promo code uses or for limited uses, enter the number of uses in the box
Starts: Select your preferred Starts option
Now (Discount/Access is immediate)
Select Date (Start promo code on a specific date) or
Days Hours Minutes (Before the event starts)
Ends: Select your preferred Ends option
When sales end (ends with ticket sales end date)
Select Date (Enter date to end promo code discount or access) or
Days Hours Minutes before event ends
Click SAVE to retain the information and automatically return to the Manage page
You have now created your Promo Codes!!
For Discount Codes, the information will be populated in the top Discount Codes table
For Access Codes, the information will be populated in the bottom Access Codes table